Identity and Language Learning in an Unequal Digital World

The world has changed since Bonny Norton published her early work on identity, investment, and language learning. Because of advancements in digital technology, there are new relations of power at micro and macro levels, and digital literacy has become essential in “claiming the right to speak.” As language learners navigate these changing times, they need to negotiate new identities, investments, and imagined futures. Working with Ron Darvin, Norton has responded to new linguistic landscapes by developing an expanded model of investment that integrates identity, ideology, and linguistic capital in a comprehensive framework. Norton argues that while there are structures that may limit a learner’s investment, the model seeks to illustrate the ways in which learners may both reproduce but also resist practices that limit possibility. Drawing on recent research with language learners in both wealthy and poorly resourced global communities, Norton will discuss the ways in which the model can help inform theory, research, and practice in language learning internationally.

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A message from Dr Norton

For family reasons, Dr Norton will be unable to travel to Kobe for the conference this year, but will deliver her keynote virtually.

Posted by IAFOR